I was invited into the house, Simone, their Bullmastiff were constantly barking and wagging its tail welcoming me whilst walking towards their home. Simone was huge; I never came upon a dog that immense where I hailed from. I was petrified and simultaneously wanting to pat him. I didn’t get to pat him. My host mother, Margarita – a doctor, ushered me inside her house.
It was cozy and warm inside the house. Isabella, my host sister – a high school student, showed me to my room which was on the loft. I had my own room. I possess my own study table, my comfy bed and a closet and a funky radio. It was too perfect to be true. I usually sleep with my sister back at home. Now I get a hold to have my own room! The room comes along with a perfect view.
Lunch was prepared after they showed me around the house, Antonio, my good looking-host brother – A law student, came home for lunch. We sat on the dining table and started our conversation. They are very passionate and enthusiast where I came form. I was filled with incertitude questioned of curiosity. Bare in mind they don’t really speak English. They rendered me a dictionary and that was how I communicate with my family. We had language barriers. Dictionary was like part of my limbs.
My first day in
It was all worth while for flying miles and leaving my loving family. It was an awesome experience and cognition knowledge, a cultural memes that will remain unforgotten in my whole life.
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